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   We are seeking patrons for our excavations. When you support our project, you'll get weekly updates during our excavation season. These updates show the progress we are able to make with your generous support. For the summer of 2023 season, we offer you three excavation areas to support: 1) medieval castle, 2) Etruscan chamber tomb, and 3) Villanovan-Etruscan grave field. 


Click on one of the "Donate on Venmo" buttons below to contribute. List your email and chosen excavation area in the Venmo comments to receive your weekly updates.

Email us with questions and comments further below. We welcome input from our supporters.


Support our excavation of the medieval castle at the Rocca of San Giuliano. Your contribution will help with this area of our work. When you support this area you'll receive weekly updates on the excavation of the castle in summer 2020.

Chamber tomb

Support our rescue excavations of Etruscan chamber tombs (6th-5th centuries) in the San Giuliano necropolis. Your contribution will help with this area of our work. When you support this area you'll receive weekly updates on the excavation of the chamber tombs in summer 2020.


Trench tomb cemetery

Support our excavation of a transitional Villanovan-Etruscan gravefield (8th-7th centuries). Your contribution will help with this area of our work. When you support this area you'll receive weekly updates on the excavation of the cemetery in summer 2020.


Thanks for your support!

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