Publications and Press
Davide Zori, Colleen Zori, Lori Baker, Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati, Candace Livingston, Deirdre Fulton, and Dennis Wilken. 2018. From Etruscan Urban Center to Medieval Fortified Village: San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project. Antiquity 92 (363, Project Gallery): 1-8.
Davide Zori, Colleen Zori, Lori Baker, Veronica-Gaia Ikeshoji-Orlati, and Alden Smith. 2017. San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project: Investigating Long-term Change from Etruscan Urban Center to High Medieval Fortified Village in Lazio. Temporis Signa 11 (2016): 1-20.
Madison Crow, Colleen Zori, and Davide Zori. 2020. Doctrinal and Physical Marginality in Christian Death: The Burial of Unbaptized Infants in Medieval Italy. Religions 11/678: 1-20.
Colleen Zori, James Fulton, Peter Tropper, and Davide Zori. 2023. Glass from the 11th-13th Century Medieval Castle of San Giuliano (Lazio Province, Central Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47: 103731. 11 pp.
Davide Zori, Colleen Zori, Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati, Jamie Aprile, Lori Baker, James Fulton, Anna Gibbs, and Angela Cassotta. 2023. An Early Etruscan Toddler’s Grave in the Transitional Trench Tomb Cemetery of San Simone, San Giuliano (VT): Wealth, Status, and the Hopes of a Family. Etruscan and Italic Studies 25: 132-174.
Media Coverage (click underlined text to view)
Featured on Discovery Channel's Expedition Unknown S10.E14: Finding Italy's Lost Empire. August 31, 2022
Davide Zori and Colleen M. Zori. San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project: Excavations of a Transitional Villanovan/Early Etruscan Necropolis. Etruscan News. American Section of the Institute for Etruscan and Italic Studies 22: 8-9, 16, (2020).
Archeo Magazine. Il Tesoro della Principessa Bambina. Winter 2019.
Corriere di Viterbo. Discovery of an Etruscan child’s tomb. Print only. July 23, 2019.
LaFune. Barbarano Romano, 450 new tombs mapped in the necropolis of San Giuliano. July 23, 2019.
The Archaeology News Network. Etruscan, medieval site unearthed in San Giuliano. July 20, 2019.
Mediaset TGCOM24. Viterbo, The discoveries continue at San Giuliano: An Etruscan and medieval site emerges. July 19, 2019.
Viterbo News 24. Barbarano Romano, exceptional discoveries from the Etruscan and medieval periods.
Tuscia Web. Discovery of anthropomorphic chess piece and an Etruscan child’s grave. July 19, 2019.
OnTuscia. The necropolis and the Etruscan acropolis of San Giuliano continues to astound with exceptional finds from the Etruscan and medieval periods. July 19, 2019.
RAI (Radiotelevisione italiana) TGR. New of Discoveries of San Giuliano Project. June 30, 2018.
Tuscia Web. Discovery of the Noble Women’s Grave. June 27, 2018.
Archaeology News Network. Intact Tomb Of Etruscan Noblewoman Discovered in San Giuliano. June 28, 2018. German (version in Epoch Times): Intaktes Grab einer etruskischen Adligen in San Giuliano entdeckt.
Baylor Magazine. The Italian Dig. Winter 2018
Tuscia Web. American Students at the Etruscan Necropolis, Parco Marturanum. May 20, 2017:
Conference Presentations and Invited Talks
*indicates student paper
2021 Davide Zori—The San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project: New Interdisciplinary Archaeology in Central Italy
*2021 Lauren Sides—Visibility and Memory on the San Giuliano Landscape
2021 Jamie Aprile—Looters Can’t Steal Everything: Salvage Archaeology at the San Giuliano Necropolis
2021 Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati—From Villanovan to Etruscan Mortuary Goods: The Ceramic Assemblages of Four Seventh-Century BCE Pit Graves from the Site of San Giuliano
2021 Lori Baker—Osteological Analysis of Two Contemporary Tombs from the San Giuliano Necropolis
2021 Martin Gallagher—Ancient Roads in the Territory of San Giuliano
2021 Colleen Zori—Life and Death in Medieval San Giuliano (Lazio Province, Italy)
*2021 Anna Gibbs—A Study of Medieval Intrasite Find Distribution on the San Giuliano Plateau, Lazio, Italy
*2021 Emily Varley—Social Spaces of Central Italy and the San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project
2021 Deirdre Fulton—Faunal Remains from Medieval San Giuliano Plateau
2021 Vaughan Grimes, Madison Janes, Andrew Kenney, Colleen Zori and Davide Zori—Multi-isotope Evidence for Animal Husbandry, Transhumance, and Human Diet at San Giuliano, Italy
*2020 Medieval Intrasite Find Distribution on the San Giuliano Plateau, Lazio, Italy (Poster). Anna Catherine Gibbs. The Archaeological Institute of America. Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Jan. 2-5.
2019 Landscapes of Life and Death at San Giuliano. The Archaeological Institute of America, Dallas chapter. Colleen Zori. November 14.
2019 Gli scavi a San Giuliano 2016-2019: San Giuliano Archaeological Project. Davide Zori. Talk at Italian state park museum inauguration event featuring our project’s discoveries (Etruschi sui valloni 1996-2019: Un nuovo allestimento per il Museo delle Necropoli Rupestri di Barbarano Romano).
2019 Notizie degli scavi a San Giuliano. Davide Zori and Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati. Invited by municipal government of Barbarano Romano, Italy to present project results to the public. July 6.
*2019 Caved In: How New Technologies Provide Solutions to Old Questions about Medieval Caves at San Giuliano, Italy. Anna Catherine Gibbs and Laruen Sides. International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, May 9–12.
*2019 Toubert or Not Toubert: An Interdisciplinary Approach to “Incastellamento.” Ashley Dyer. International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, May 9–12.
2019 Settlement Shifts and the Transformation of Power in Medieval Italy: Preliminary Results from the Excavation of the Castle of San Giuliano. Davide Zori. Society for American Archaeology. Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, April 10-14
*2019 Visualizing the Etruscan “City of the Dead”: Cumulative Viewshed Analysis of the Necropolis at San Giuliano, ItalyLauren Sides and Matthew Owen. The Archaeological Institute of America. Annual Meeting, San Diego, January 3-6, 2019.
2019 Long-term Change in Southern Etruria: San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project. Davide Zori. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Annual Meeting, Lincoln, April 3-6.
2019 Osteological Analysis of Remains Recovered from Tomb G13-001 in the San Giuliano Necropolis. Lori Baker. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Annual Meeting, Lincoln, April 3-6.
2019 Formation Processes and the Evidence of Looting in the San Giuliano Etruscan Chamber Tombs. Candace Livingston and Jamie Aprile. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Annual Meeting, Lincoln, April 3-6.
2019 From Villanovan Tombe a Fossa to Etruscan Rock-Cut Tombs: Four Centuries of Funerary Assemblages in the San Giuliano Necropolis. Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Annual Meeting, Lincoln, April 3-6.
*2019 Visualizing the City of the Dead: Viewshed Analysis of the Etruscan Necropolis at San Giuliano, Italy. Lauren Sides. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Annual Meeting, Lincoln, April 3-6.
2019 Alden Smith. Response to the SGARP symposium at CAMWS. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Annual Meeting, Lincoln, April 3-6.
2019 The San Simone Tomba a Fossa: A Transitional Villanovan-Etruscan Grave (Poster). Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati, Colleen Zori, and Lori Baker. The Archaeological Institute of America. Annual Meeting, San Diego, Jan. 3-6.
2018 From Etruscan Town to Medieval Fortified Village: San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project. Davide Zori. American Institute of Archaeology, Dallas chapter. October 25.
2018 Eating and Drinking in the Medieval Castle of San Giuliano (Province of Lazio, Italy). Colleen Zori, Davide Zori, Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati, and Deirdre Fulton. Society for American Archaeology. Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., April 11-15.
2018 Davide Zoril. From Etruscan Urban Center to Medieval Fortified Village: San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project. Archaeological Institute of America. Annual Meeting, Boston, January 4-7.
2017 Preliminary Skeletal Analysis of Etruscan Tomb G13-001. A. Stutzman, L. Baker, D. Zori, V. Ikeshoji-Orlati, and C. Livingston. Texas Association of Biological Anthropologists. Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Nov. 11-12.
2017 From Etruscan Town to Medieval Fortified Village at San Giuliano: A New Archaeological Project in Marturanum Park, Lazio. Interpreting the Human and Environmental History of Medieval Italy. Davide Zori. John Cabot University, Rome, June 17-18.